Tuition Rates
Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Degree Programs
$11,510 per semester
$21,930 per school year
$710 per credit – May and Summer Sessions
$650 fee for credit by examination (written/oral)
$350 per credit for summer field education placement
$725 Spiritual Life Activity Annual Fee (SHSST Seminarians only)
Room & Board
Full-Time Resident Seminarians – non-SCJ only
$7,730 per semester
$15,460 per year
$250 Resident Seminarian Security Deposit (refundable upon clean room inspection report)
Resident ECS Students
$7,730 per semester (fall and spring only)
$3,385 per seven-week summer session (pro-rated to arrival and departure date).
$250 Cleaning deposits for rooms (refundable) rolled over annually.
Non-Resident Seminarians/Students attending courses on-campus*
$25 Key Deposit (refundable)
*exceptions apply.
Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree Program – Pathways
Lumen Cordis and Adveniat Regnum Tuum (A.R.T.) – MA pathways
$695 Tuition per credit (course/thesis for credit)
$650 Fee for credit by examination (written/oral) or thesis defense requirement
$25 Semester Registration Fee
Cor Unum – MA pathway
$9,500 Program Tuition total for the 2023-2025 two-year Cohort (August 2023 – May 2025)
Additional fees apply. See below.
Non-Degree / Courses for Audit
The above courses are available to take on a non-degree or audit basis:
$672 Tuition per credit (course/thesis for credit)
$336 Tuition per credit (courses for audit)
$25 Course Registration Fee, per semester
$175 Technology Fee if enrolled in 6 or more credits per semester.
English Cultural Studies (ECS) Certificate Program
Scholarship (non-SCJ) and SCJ Students, sponsored by the SCJs and Commuter with non-SCJ Sponsor:
$4,805 per seven-week session, Fall and Spring
$4,208 per seven-week session, Summer
Sponsored students – In-House – with non-SCJ Sponsor
$9,610 per semester (fall and spring only)
Accent Modification/Virtual Students, per program enrollment
$672 Tuition per credit
$200 Online/Book Transcription Fee
$75 Technology Fee
All degree program students are assessed the following fees (excluding the ECS certificate students):
APPLICATION FEE $100 – To apply for any of our degree programs a $100 nonrefundable fee is required with the application.
TECHNOLOGY FEE $175 – To support the increasing overhead costs of technology relied upon for course instruction, communication and degree management, all full-time students (6 credits or more per semester) and MA degree Program students and will be charged a $175 technology fee per semester.
GRADUATION FEE $100 – To cover the cost of graduation services, all seminarians and students are charged a $100 graduation fee on their final invoice.
NON-CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT FEE $100 – To manage continuous registration, any degree program student not enrolled in any course/comprehensive exams/thesis defense continuously will be assessed a $100 continuing registration fee per semester. This includes students on leaves of absence, pastoral, Pentateuchal years, etc.
TRANSCRIPT FEES – The fee to request a transcript after graduation is $10. For rush service, the cost is $25 if requested by U.S. Postal Service and $35 if requested by Federal Express. If the cost of postage exceeds these prescribed fees, the actual cost of postage plus labor will be charged.
Payment Procedures
Payment of tuition and room and board is to be made in U.S. dollars upon receipt of the invoice. Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology accepts cash, checks, e-checks and credit cards for payment of tuition and fees. Payment of invoices by credit card is subject to a convenience fee.
Financial aid information may be obtained from the finance office. Contact the director of admissions for specific information.
All foreign currency payment situations should be discussed with the Vice President of Finance & Administration. All accounts must be settled before a seminarian leaves the school. Transcripts will be withheld until all fees have been paid.
Refunds for tuition and room and board will be given based on the following schedule:
100% refund prior to the first class
80% refund during the first week
60% refund during the second week
40% refund during the third week
25% refund during the fourth week
No Refund after the fourth week
Room/Board: Prorated according to the number of full weeks remaining in the semester as a percent of 16 weeks.
Financial Support Available
to Seminarians
Thanks to the generosity of donors, the support of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, and various grants, Sacred Heart can offer the following financial support to seminarians:
Seminarian Assistance:
For assistance with small expenses, seminarians can contact the Vice-President of Finance for grants up to $250; larger grants can be awarded with the approval of the President-Rector.
Seminarian Scholarships:
For scholarships towards tuition, room or board, contact Mr. Tyler Galstad, Vice-President of Finance: or 414-529-6971.
Seminarian Loans, Veteran’s Benefits:
Seminarians can contact Mr. Tyler Galstad, Vice-President of Finance: or 414-529-6971.
Seminarians are also encouraged to look at other external sources of support:
Catholic United Financial (CUF):
Catholic United Financial has grants available to seminarians who are preparing for ministry in the dioceses served by CUF: Crookston, New Ulm, St. Paul & Minneapolis, Duluth, St. Cloud, Winona-Rochester, Rapid City, Sioux Falls, Bismarck, Fargo, Green Bay, Superior, La Crosse, Dubuque, Sioux City. The online grant application period is Oct. 1-31 every year. Questions regarding the Schuler Fund can be submitted to or by calling 1-877-275-7145. See the Schuler Fund for more information.
Serra International Foundation:
See Scholarship Details for grants to support priestly and religious formation, vocations outreach, and spiritual formation of clergy and religious.
Knights of Columbus:
See Seminarian Scholarships for information on available scholarships.
For assistance with public loan resolution and/or forgiveness:
This group provides financial assistance to help seminarians resolve educational loans. See: Rescue Vocations.
Public loan forgiveness:
Students can also look into public loan forgiveness options for clergy: Forgiveness-Cancellation.
Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology is blessed by generous benefactors. We strive to keep our costs down while providing excellent formation. If you are in need of scholarship assistance, please contact Mr. Tyler Galstad, Vice-President of Finance and Administration: