Support the work of the Priests of the Sacred Heart
The Priests of the Sacred Heart not only support Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology as one of their apostolates, but they also help people who are less fortunate across the globe through their social action and outreach. With your ongoing support, the Priests of the Sacred Heart can share the joy of Christ’s divine love, continue to spread devotion to His Sacred Heart, and offer comfort to those who rely on our ministries.
Support our Seminarians
Our seminarians come from across North America and around the world. Many are from mission dioceses. Your contribution provides financial assistance so seminarians can have the best formation possible. Please pray for our seminarians! Join us as we work together to Conform Our World to the Heart of Christ.
Support our Lay Ministers
Help support students in our Cor Unum program who are seeking to evangelize and heal a fractured world, putting the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church into action. Each student asks: Where is God’s love most desperately needed, and how is God calling me to be an instrument of His heart and hands?
Support our Seminary
Donations of any amount help to support Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology in our mission of preparing evangelizing disciples through specialized formation to conform our world to the Heart of Christ.
Support Catholic-Jewish Dialogue
We serve as a resource and focal point by providing unique and important study opportunities to promote Catholic-Jewish understanding and dialogue in the Milwaukee/Chicago area, both by providing library resources, and by convening public forums and/or lectures.
Volunteer to help at SHSST in the following areas:
- Administration
- English & Culture Studies
- Events
- Library
- Lux Center