Office of the Registrar

Transfer Credit Policy

Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology (SHSST) makes every effort to assist students in succeeding in their goals. Therefore, SHSST accepts completed graduate level transfer credits into the following programs: Introductory Studies, Master of Divinity, Master of Arts and Certificate in Priestly Formation.

Transfer of Credits and Clock Hours
SHSST will accept transfer credits of graduate level work, successfully completed with a grade of “C” or above, and awarded at another regionally or nationally accredited institution and national seminary. Credits from a foreign seminary, college or university will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis occasionally requiring evaluation by Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (ECE) or World Education Services (WES).

Clock hour documentation from Roman Catholic arch/diocesan courses and permanent diaconate programs may also be accepted in transfer, after review and evaluation by the registrar and academic dean.

Transferred credits, course titles and grades will appear on the student’s SHSST transcript. However, transferred credits and grades are not included in the student’s GPA. Only courses taken at SHSST are reflected in the student’s semester and cumulative credits and GPA.

Following the initial credit audit conducted by the registrar, the academic dean reviews the files of new students. If there is doubt about the acceptability of courses, the student will receive written instructions from the dean to meet with a specific instructor for an interview and/or evaluation.

A course taken by a student at another institution while the student is enrolled at SHSST will be accepted in transfer toward a degree or certificate only if prior permission for taking the course for transfer has been obtained from the academic dean.

SHSST will evaluate all credits submitted by the new student and reserves the right to accept or deny any of the credits for transfer. Credit is generally granted for successfully completed courses comparable to those offered at SHSST. Specific transfer credit nuances for each program are listed below under the program heading following the general guidelines.

A. Transfer of Introductory Studies Credits

For introductory studies curriculum courses (philosophy, religious studies pre-requisites and interpersonal communication skills) to fulfill discipleship stage requirements for the PPF6, the following are required:

  • an official transcript of the credits must be sent directly from the granting institution to SHSST;
  • the course may be at the undergraduate level;
  • the course must be demonstrated as equivalent to our introductory studies courses;
  • the school reserves the right to refuse introductory courses that were completed more than 10 years before matriculation into SHSST.

B. Transfer of Core Course Credits

For credits to transfer the following are required:

  • an official transcript of the credits must be sent directly from the granting institution to SHSST;
  • the course must be at the graduate level;
  • the course must be demonstrated as equivalent to our core course;
  • the school reserves the right to refuse transfer credits that were completed more than 10 years before matriculation into SHSST.

C. Transfer of Elective Credits

Students who have been given advanced standing may have previous academic work accepted to fulfill the elective requirement. For elective credits to transfer the following are required:

  • an official transcript of the credits must be sent directly from the granting institution to SHSST;
  • the course must be at the graduate level;
  • the school reserves the right to refuse transfer credits that were completed more than 10 years before matriculation into SHSST;
  • in the judgment of the dean, the course fulfills the purpose for which elective credits are given.

D. Credit by Examination

Please reach out to the Registrar for a copy of the student handbook for policy and procedures.

E. Credit for Non-Academic Training and/or Experience

Please reach out to the Registrar for a copy of the student handbook for policy and procedures.

Transfer Credit Program Requirements

A. Introductory Studies

For credits to transfer into introductory studies, the following is required:

  • undergraduate philosophy, religious studies and interpersonal communication skills courses will be considered for transfer credit to fulfill the pre-requisites before entering the MDIV and/or Certificate programs;
  • the course must have been passed with at least a “C” grade;
  • ordinarily, the course should not have been completed more than 10 years before matriculation into SHSST.

B. Master of Divinity and Certificate in Priestly Formation

For credits to transfer into the Master of Divinity and the Certificate in Priestly Formation Programs the following is required:

  • The course must have been passed with at least a “C” grade;
  • Ordinarily, the course should not have been completed more than 10 years before matriculation into SHSST;
  • There is no limit to the number of credits that can be transferred. However, a minimum of 50 credits must be earned at SHSST during a period of at least four semesters of full-time study (minimum of 9 credits per semester) in order to earn the M.Div. degree or Certificate in Priestly Formation.
  • Credits from Creighton Institute for Priestly Formation (IPF): SHSST will accept up to three (3) courses from the Creighton Institute for Priestly Formation with no more than two (2) credits being given per course for a total of 6 credits possible for transfer. Credits accepted will be applied as elective credits in the M.Div. program. Conditions listed above must be met.

C. Master of Arts

For credits to transfer into the Master of Arts program, the following is required:

  • The course must have been passed with at least a “B” grade;
  • Ordinarily, the course should not have been completed more than 10 years before matriculation into SHSST;
  • Ordinarily, no more than 6 credits may be transferred in.

Transfer Credit Appeal Process

If a student wishes to appeal the academic dean’s original decision, s/he should discuss the matter with the dean. Upon the presentation of further evidence, the dean will either accept additional credits or give the student the proper form to authorize an interview and/or evaluation with a specified instructor.