Why Support the Lux Center?

To donate to the Lux Center simply download and print this contribution form and return it as directed or donate now.


Dr. Lux’s passion is to work to make the world a better place by promoting common understanding and respect between Catholics and Jews. The Lux Center aims to honor this passion. We will do this in two ways:

We aspire to instill in newly ordained Catholic priests the knowledge, understanding and skills to contribute to positive Catholic-Jewish relations in the communities they serve across North America. In order to provide our graduates with an excellent understanding of Judaism and its commonalities with Catholicism we will train them to engage in interreligious activities in their parishes after ordination; and

We will also serve as a resource and focal point by providing unique and important study opportunities to promote Catholic-Jewish understanding and dialogue in the Milwaukee/Chicago area, both by providing library resources, and by convening public forums and/or lectures.

For more information about supporting the Lux Center, please call (414) 529-6966.